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Friday, December 30, 2011

ex girlfriends

ON December 19th, i wrote on my facebook status the following:

i love femmes. forever and always. will not put up with the dismissal of ideas, comments, questions or my lived experience as solely an excess of emotion. i feel, yes. i also think. those things are not mutually exclusive. various forms of intelligence, do enrich one another. so to any close minded person like this wack ex of mine im telling off via email right now... a paragraph full of well thought out questions warrants a response more than i know how you are feeling one line response. fuckk yall femme haters go get some fucking training get aware of your fucked up masculine fuckedupness im done peace

47 friends of mine liked it, and it got 20 comments.
Far more activity than my usual posts

It gives me strength. to know that people love and support me. So i don't need to question my self when i get more negative words from this very wack ex my mine. Here is how the dialogue leading to this post evolved, and how it ended today. This is a 'to the point,' vulgar rendition including the most important quotes:

Wack Ex: Hi. I want to reconnect with you when I'm back in town. Would you like to have lunch?
Katrina D: Okay, sure. Lets
** i have a revealation... i don't have to just go along with what she wants. I don't trust her, things didn't end well, so let me check in to see whats up.***
KD: Actually... "I've been reconnecting with various past people in my life and I think its good to take a deep consideration of where we are at before creating what might be an awkward situation." why do you want to reconnect, why now, do you feel like lunch is what you really want to do, or is it just some kind of thing to catch up? etc, etc
WE: I see how you are feeling. Lets meet later if thats what you want.
KD: Don't make this about me. Lets meet when you are ready to answer my questions.
WE: I didn't answer your questions because I didn't think it was necessary. I don't share your concerns.
KD: My questions are Legitimate. WTF (i create fb status while skyping with my dear friend)... this is fucked up. I will not tolerate this shit.
WE: "don't accuse me of ignoring you or confusing you. on my end, i've been pretty clear. weird or awkward, it happens katrina, there's no need to dig deep in the banal scenario of ex's getting together and things being kinda weird. in the emails you have sent me, it is apparent that a lot of our failure to communicate lies on me, burdened on me. i really encourage you to reassess that view point and reflect on how your communication style can impact and dominate."
KD: "I cannot Educate you. Fortunately you are in school. I encourage you take a course on feminism. Take a course on masculinity. Read about gaslighting. Thats what you are doing. Goodluck."
WE: "katrina, i stand by my words, and your accusations that i am gaslighting you- victimizing you, hurts me. it's clear that we cannot form any healthy relationship. and it's really, really insulting. your flippant accusation is not something i am taking lightly, at all. in my email, i was just asking you to reflect on your communication.

i cannot deal with this crap.

i meant to say it last time but instead i just deleted her msg. but this time i said it. please do not email me a response.

the end.