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Monday, November 5, 2012

dreaming woman

when i was young(er) i used to hear names of women in my dreams. names that stuck out. that were important. these names would become either women I love, or compassionately dislike (hate i would have said then). my dreams felt so real, yet i didnt understand them. they were from the future. this information was too overwhelming, i would panic, and cry. So i wished them away. i stopped dreaming.  i wasn't ready to handle, or didn't know how to process this information from that world, spirt or otherwise. and now, a little older, all i want to do is find ways to reconnect with those voices of wisdom. one. step. at. a. time.

later i became obsessed with the movie the terminator. I believed love could come from the future, and bring about justice today. fight injustice today, that is developed today but evolves into something far greater which also comes back to haunt today. fighting to restore balance. fighting. love. short. full.

im ready.

im preparing.

im coming.

Friday, August 24, 2012

a post from september 2011, found in google docs

maybe i’m not of this century.

where information exists for information’s sake. without regard for the learned person. just so you can take a look at it. let it sink in, so you can go back home and watch movies on your computer. so you can relax, and forget.

i’m all for forgetting, don’t get me wrong. i cant keep all of the memories of these 21st century attrocities at the front of my mind. or the those I saw at the end of the 20th, and those I learned of before.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


roll on floor. uncover the truth behind your passion. its not a simple trust based. inquiry.

don't ask me. ask you.


simple tricks.

dont work. flock. follow. flow.

i want to build up my power with my challenge.

i am just writing to write.

what other reason do people write.

its been some time. and my hear it open. ing. again.

and it feels damn good, sometimes fear rises in my imagination. but im trusting that opening up lets in the much needed good.



Saturday, June 16, 2012

heart (secrets)

heart is the core of the passion that drives ggttttuuuuuejbkjkfhdouoiuoiusofjhdouhoijsjjlkjlkjuououououououou

Friday, January 6, 2012

Made in France 10 Reflection

Upon my graduation of 4 years of hampshire college, I planned to do an extravagently wonderful event where I would gain access to some of the artists with whom I did not get a chance to work with at my small liberal arts college. I applied for MADE in France: (MADE = Movement Arts and Design in Europe). In 2010 the theme was movement and sound design.

After choreographing my first dance, a solo about black women, my family lineage, rape and intergenerational trauma, I wanted to futher pursue the craft of dance making. In this first dance, I collaborated with a wonderfully tallented sound designer: Allison Smart, and was very much influenced by the relationship between sound and movement. I went to MADE extremely excited about the program ahead of me.

Upon my arrival, I met the director of the program Liz Claire.