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Monday, November 5, 2012

dreaming woman

when i was young(er) i used to hear names of women in my dreams. names that stuck out. that were important. these names would become either women I love, or compassionately dislike (hate i would have said then). my dreams felt so real, yet i didnt understand them. they were from the future. this information was too overwhelming, i would panic, and cry. So i wished them away. i stopped dreaming.  i wasn't ready to handle, or didn't know how to process this information from that world, spirt or otherwise. and now, a little older, all i want to do is find ways to reconnect with those voices of wisdom. one. step. at. a. time.

later i became obsessed with the movie the terminator. I believed love could come from the future, and bring about justice today. fight injustice today, that is developed today but evolves into something far greater which also comes back to haunt today. fighting to restore balance. fighting. love. short. full.

im ready.

im preparing.

im coming.