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Monday, January 4, 2010

First Class

two of three were missing, but with the one, we talked the basics and sang "if i had a hammer" and had a good laugh.

we are both still wrapping up our interviews. I am going back to nyc this weekend to finish, and she will finish conducting hers through telephone conversations.

day by day the days go by. will i finish, sometime before i die, but that is a long long time away. hopefully i will finish a good few things by then.

does this post make any sense? maybe it does, maybe it doesnt. but one thing i know, is there is something magical about january. it is the first month of the year, its cold and snowy and its a time separate from everything else, where i can do all the things i never thought to do when in the city. because i was just too busy. or i just didn't see the sounds of the snow blocking out the traffic lights. it works too well for focus, and brings in lonesome stary eyes dreaming of sunny summer days and towers of ambition, future plans.

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