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Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Flex my Foot for Africa

In a short series of happen stance meetings with the Hampshire community in New York, I prepare to rest. A visit from Bodhi in NYC, followed by a random spotting of Margaret Cerullo in the Schomburg Center leading to a nice conversation over tea at La Perle Noire Café. Sum it up with my first experience of Dance Brazil, volunteering to usher at the Joyce with short conversations in the intermission with Bodhi and Quincy. And a first interaction with Jelon Veira, who asked me to tell my capoeira instructor hello. Warmth and community amidst the anonymous winters has emerged this spring.

As I prepare to rest tonight, heal and prepare to push myself more tomorrow and follow that with a visit to Ben's show at the Bretch, where i expect the community to reconvene.

How life excites me these days. Where will it go?

I have finally admitting to falling in love with a dear friend, and I am beginning to open myself up to new connections with new folks, and allow for possibilities between friends and admirers on hold. What is in store this season? More pleasant surprises I hope.

To be continued.

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